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Frequently Asked Technical Questions and Resolutions

Your top technical support questions, answered.

We have compiled a list of frequently asked technical questions, with a step-by-step resolution for each. We hope that this saves you time, but our technical support team is always happy to assist you if problems persist.

Twin State Technical Services
Phone:  563-388-2643
Email Technical Support

FAQ: Bank Sweep Manager (BSM), Stratman Sweep Manager (SSM) & Collateralized Deposit Manager (CDM)

  • Confirm that email configuration is still correctly set up in BSM:
    • Select the “Configuration” tab on the uppermost tool bar.
      • This should automatically bring up the Email configuration page for your company.
      • Check to make sure the email “from” boxes are correctly set.
      • Check to make sure the mail server address is correct.
      • If needed, update any password information as appropriate.
      • Send a Test Email to ensure the problem has been resolved by selecting the “Test Email Settings” box on the right side of the screen.
      • If the test email sends correctly, please remember to Save your updated configuration.
    • If the email is still not sending after going through the steps above, review the error log for further information:
      • Click the “Reports” Tab on the uppermost tool bar.
      • Click “View Error Logs” to bring up Error Log Menu.
        • In the top section of the screen, titled “Error Log,” Select the appropriate date and view the report.  You may need to involve your IT department to check email relay, if you are not able to find the issue in the error log.
        • If you are unable to determine what the issue is from the Error Log report, save the error log and email a copy to  A member of our team will review the error and respond accordingly.
  • Ensure that the right import button is being selected.
    • Under the “Bank Sweep Manager Accounts” tab, click the “Import Accounts” button to ensure all new accounts and all updated information is accurately updated.  Please be certain to select Save before leaving this screen.
    • Under the “Securities” tab, select “Import Securities” to ensure all updates are loaded into the program.   Please be certain to select Save before leaving this screen.
  • Outside of the BSM Program, open the import file(s) and review all line items to ensure all data columns are present. The import file is the file your IT prepared for upload into BSM.  The “Import Help” document can be found by clicking on the “Help” tab located on the uppermost tool bar.
    • Select the option “Import Help” to bring up a document that contains all the specifications for the import file.  Please note:
      • All required columns must be present.  If there is an optional column between two required columns please leave a blank column as a placeholder.
      • Ensure the data type within the import file meets the specifications of the data type required as contained within the “Import Help” document.
    • Once any necessary changes are made to the import file, please save the file and attempt the import again.
  • If you are still having issues with the Import File, please contact Stratman Solutions for additional troubleshooting.
  • Check that the user has access to the file path.
    • The file path can be found by clicking on the “Help” tab located on the uppermost tool bar followed by clicking “About.”
    • In this window you’ll have access to view the “Data root location” and the ability to click the file folder to access the location if needed.
  • If the user has access to the file path and the allocation reports are still not generating, please contact Stratman Solutions for additional troubleshooting.
  • Click on the appropriate accounts tab within the program.
  • Select the “View” tab on the uppermost tool bar and select “Show Active/Inactive.”
    • Locate the inactive account and click the “Active” radio button located to the far right on the account grid.
    • Click “Save” in the lower right had corner.
  • Select the “View” tab on the uppermost tool bar and select “Show Active/Inactive.”
  • The inactive account will now appear on the applicable accounts tab.
  • To install the program on a new machine you will need to send an email to to request an installation link.
  • A member of our team will send the installation link along with applicable instructions.
  • We need to ensure that the logo is stored in a location that all users have access to.  The most effective place to store the logo is at the database level.
    • The database can be found by clicking the “Help” tab located on the uppermost tool bar followed by clicking “About.”
    • In this window you’ll have access to click the file folder and open the database.
    • Place a copy of the logo in this location and close the window.
  • In the program click “Configuration” in the uppermost tool bar followed by “Reporting.”
  • In the “Report Image” section click “Browse” and drill down to the photo you previously saved within the database.
  • The logo will appear within the window once successfully linked.  Before exiting this screen you’ll need to click “Save Settings.”
  • If the logo still does not appear on the reports, please contact Stratman Solutions for additional troubleshooting.
  • Periodically, Stratman Solutions will release program updates.  These updates typically require your ITs assistance as they will need to install the new version on each users machine.
  • These upgrades will be comminuted to you in advance with the release notes and the date and time they will become available.
  • Once the update goes live, it will be available to you within the program.  You will be able to access the update by following these steps:
    • Click the “Help” tab in the uppermost tool bar followed by “Check for Updates.”
    • You will see the current version and the newest available version on this screen.  Verify the newest available is the version number that was comminuted to you earlier.  If you do not see the newest release, please contact Stratman Solutions.
    • Click “Download Update.”
      • *Important Note* We recommend all user be updated on the same day.  After the database has been upgraded, it will be incompatible with older versions. Any users running an older copy will see a message when the program starts telling them that the database version is newer than expected, and it will give them the option to upgrade their installed version of the program. If they choose not to upgrade, the program will close.
  • To ensure the program has updated click “Help” in the uppermost tool bar followed by “About.”
  • The “Software Version” will display the current version the user is running.